Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Proud Momma Moment

Pardon me while I brag about my kids for a minute.

My daughter has been amazing at potty training lately. We haven't had an accident in over a month. People told me that one day she would just pick up on it and she did. I had to stick with it and I had to finally get over my fear of taking her places without a diaper on but she is doing great and I am so proud of her. Now we are about to take on night time without a diaper. I know it will take some time but with consistency she will do great!

My son turned two months and he is doing fantastic! He's a big boy, at 12 pounds already, but he is just precious. We tend to have chunky babies and I'm OK with that! He is such a little cuddler, he smiles and coos all the time and he's so content. My daughter got colicky around three months so I'm hoping it bypasses him. 

I feel very blessed to have these two kids. I'm proud of the milestones they are achieving and all the growing up they are doing. I'm so grateful to be their mom. 

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