Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Saying No to Negativity


I hate to even admit that I can be such a negative person. I'm sure my friends and family that are reading this can agree with me. I don't like to be negative but I think it goes with my personality. I mentioned in an earlier post that I worry so much and let fears run my life at times. Not good. Negativity can eat away at so much of your life!

I find that I cover up my negativity with humor at times (not that I'm the funniest person but I like to think I am!) and when I take a step back and shut my mouth I can see just how negative I've been. This is something I'm working on because I don't want it to always be a part of my life and personality.

It's hard to think positive in the world we live in today. Negativity is everywhere and I'm hoping to not be a source of it. I'm not perfect so I will most likely mess up but I am going to try very hard to stay positive. It goes with everything else in my life. Less worry, less fear and less negativity will make my life more enjoyable!

Time to start being positive! Have a wonderful day everyone!

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