Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Exciting News!

After months and months and I guess you could say husband has finally been offered a job and he accepted!

This is such an answer to prayer for us! I quit my job to stay home with the kids at the end of June so as of July 1st we were without health insurance and without a paycheck coming from me but my husband got offered an amazing job and we could not be happier! He will be working for a local hospital in the trauma department. I think it's exciting because I think of all these doctor shows and how intense ERs can get (I know...T.V. isn't real). It can be really fast paced! The nurse manager welcomed him to the team and they will be contacting him with further information.

My husband had been in school when we got married so we never went on a honeymoon. He then had to study for NCLEX test, twice but he passed the second time, then we had to go through filling out applications and sending in resumes...but after that, almost four years later, he finally gets a job! We can now start saving for a house and maybe even save for a honeymoon!

I'm very proud of my husband and all the hard work he has put into this. I can't wait to see where this leads us!

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