Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Have Good Intentions...

This won't be a very long post today but do you ever have days where everything seems to be going wrong? That's been me the past two days. I wanted to wake up early, feed my son and then get ready for the day. I've found when I get up and get going it makes my day more productive. Instead I can't seem to get enough sleep so I'm sleeping later than I want and it puts my whole day out of wack! I vowed to wake up today and get ready but that didn't happen...there is always tomorrow!

So now that I am awake and ready to get moving (it's only 11:00 am, no big deal) I'm going to start cleaning, watch Price is Right, fix my daughter some lunch and get some more cleaning done...I WILL make this day productive (because watching the Price is Right is being productive), even if I didn't get going at the time I wanted...

I hope you all have great and productive days or you can be like me and start whenever you want! :)

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