Friday, July 12, 2013

High Five For Friday!

Today is my first time linking up with another blog! I'm linking up with Lauren for HF4F!

1. I don't like storms that have tornados but there is something fun about watching a storm roll in (knowing it's not going to cause damage). Yesterday we had some storms that brought down some tree limbs in my area but nothing too also brought in some cooler weather which was nice because it was so humid!

2. We made homemade nachos the other night. I know they aren't super healthy, although I did add them into myfitnesspal app so my calories were counted, but they were so yummy! I felt like I was at a mexican restaurant!

3. We had another family day this week which are always fun. We went out for breakfast and went to Walmart. Nothing too fancy but still nice to get out as a family. Of course we went to Walmart for one thing and left with several things...whoever does the marketing for them is good because I spend way too much when I go...

4. We like to go to the Greene outdoor mall on Friday nights and listen to music and people watch...I'm looking forward to that and I always have such a good time.

5. I've realized this week that while I'm very happy to be a stay at home mom I do need some me time. I'm saving up some money to get myself a pedicure...I didn't think I liked pedicures but I really enjoyed the last one. Plus there is nothing wrong with pretty toes!

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