Friday, July 26, 2013

High Five for Friday!

Linking up with Lauren again for HF4F!

1. My daughter decided to work out with me this week! She had a really good time and she was so cute! 
2. I made this yummy snack/breakfast the other day. 1/2 cup plain yogurt, a tablespoon of honey and 1/4 cup granola. I added a few dark chocolate chips in and it's delicious! This is my new favorite go to snack!
3. The Royal Baby was born! We obviously know his name now but I was so excited! I know it's not as big of a deal over here in America but I still think it's part of history and it's fun to watch.
4. We found a new park this week and my daughter had so much fun. My son even got into the baby swing...he wasn't amused but I took a picture anyway. He will love swings one day! We will definitely be going back to this park.
5. I don't have a picture but my son got dedicated at church on Sunday and it was such a good time with family and promising to raise our son in a godly way.
That was my week! Hope you all had a great week!

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