Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Big Goal: To Write and Finish My Book

I had a goal years ago to write a book. Not a short story but an actual novel with about 20 chapters. Life happened and it was pushed to the back but now I'm ready to start up again.

I've loved writing and I used to write short stories when I was in school. I even had a short story accepted and published in a book when I was younger so this has always been something I've wanted to do. I started to write a story and let some friends read it, it was going alright but then I got nervous that I wasn't writing it right and I stopped. I talk about fear and worry and I don't want to let that stop me from doing something I love. This time I am going to write my book and let someone outside of my close friends read it. I'd rather my close friends stay my close friends. I have a few that were honest with me the first time around and I really appreciated that but I don't want to put them in an awkward position if I don't have to. I don't plan on getting anything published (if it were to happen that would be amazing but one step at a time) but I will find someone that can give me advice on how to make the story flow and sound better.

I love to read as well but I need to be careful to make this story my own. I found myself writing last time and the story started to sound like other stories I'd read so I need to watch that this time around. Yes, a lot of books revolve around love and loss so that's going to happen but I don't plan on writing a story about vampires. I may like to read those books but my imagination can only go so far. Plus, I think the vampire book thing is done...

I'm excited to start writing and brainstorming about my book! This may take years but I can't wait to get this book done!

1 comment:

  1. Go for it Meredith, I know you can do it.
