Monday, July 29, 2013

My Little Girl

This girl...she is the most hilarious, curious, stubborn, cutest little girl ever!

Although she made me sad the other day because I asked her if I could call her my "Twinkers" (long story but I like to make up silly nicknames) and she said no, she was a big girl and my son should be called Twinkers. She's growing up, makes me sad at times.

I am so happy I have my little girl and my little boy. I feel as though my family is complete, even if I am thinking of having more in the future, I am enjoying my time as a family of four. My daughter is such a curious little girl. She asks why and what all the time which can get old but I try to remember that she really doesn't know anything and she is learning. She loves to read, she loves to play spelling games on the iPad, she loves to make up songs to sing, she loves to talk and tell on herself, she loves princesses but she also loves to play outside and run. I swear the girl has so much energy and is never tired but the moment her head hits the pillow after a long day she is out.

I love my little girl! She may be more of a daddy's girl but when she is sick she comes to sit with me and I cherish those moments! We are very blessed to have this little girl in our lives and could not be happier to be her parents!

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