Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Third Kid? Not Anytime Soon...

I've already had people ask me if I'm going to have a third baby. After I had my daughter I got annoyed when people asked if we were having a second, I wanted to enjoy my first child. This time I don't get annoyed, it doesn't bother me. I think having a third baby would be great but I also know I need to take some time.

I got pregnant when my daughter was three months old. It wasn't much of a surprise but thinking about how I would take care of two young kids was scaring me a little. Actually, a lot. At about six weeks pregnant I ended up having a miscarriage. It was pretty tough and from that moment on I wanted to be pregnant again. We tried for a year and I started to get worried when nothing was happening. I finally became pregnant again but I was hesitant to get excited. I went for an early ultrasound and the doctor said it looked like I was either not far enough along to tell anything or I was going to miscarry. I was pretty upset with him. Who tells a person that has had a miscarriage in the past that the are most likely miscarrying again? He also said it may be a little too soon to get a DNC done but I may need to consider that. I remember praying that God would allow the baby to grow to prove to that doctor I was pregnant. The doctor made me feel like he thought he was god and could make decisions on a life. I ended up miscarrying again. Although a few months later I got pregnant again. I was nervous when I went in for that first ultrasound and when they told me everything was starting off as a healthy pregnancy I sighed with relief. The rest of the pregnancy went well (although I worried pretty much the whole time) and I delivered the most beautiful baby boy ever. Yes, I'm biased but he is quite cute.

So now, would I have a third? To be honest I get nervous thinking about it. My son is only two months old so I'm not planning on getting pregnant any time soon. I want to give my body a rest. For two and a half years I was on and off pregnant and I went through so much emotionally and physically. I want more kids. I've always said I want three to four but I feel like we've done well with the two we have and I don't want to mess anything up. I can't think that way, I know. If we are blessed to have more children I will be more than happy. This may sound selfish but I'm ready to spend some time with my husband and two kids. I did ask my husband if he wanted more kids and he didn't really answer. That may be because I asked him when my son was two weeks old but still. I know deep down inside he wants more kids too. We both feel happy and blessed to have these two sweet kids now and maybe one day we will have another sweet baby to love on as well!

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