Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Dad is the Best!

Sunday is Father's Day and I thought I would write a little about my dad because I'm pretty sure I have the best dad. I realize as I'm writing this I did not write a Mother's Day post and since my parents read this blog I should probably let my mom know I will be writing a belated Mother's Day post...don't you worry mom!

My dad has been a great dad. I'm not the greatest at remembering childhood memories, I have a pretty bad long term memory but there are a few things I do remember. I remember sitting in the hallway when my brother and I were younger and my dad would read to us from the Bible before bedtime. It was great that even at a young age he would instill biblical values in us. As I got older my dad was my GPS. I am the worst with directions and my dad was really good at directions so I would usually call him if I got lost which was quite often. I locked my keys in my car a lot and he always had a spare so that helped a lot! I called him crying when I got my first speeding ticket at 17, I'm sure he wasn't happy but he calmed me down and told me we would figure it out. He ended up taking me to courthouse to get the whole ticket thing figured out. I was really nervous because I wasn't sure how everything would go down but my dad was there to make sure everything went well. My dad and I would usually go to the grocery store every Friday night. I loved doing that. We love to cook and I will come up with some new meals and my dad is usually the first one to say he likes it. He isn't picky but sometimes that doesn't help because I need to know if it really is good or bad. 

As I've gotten older my dad has still been there to help me but now my husband has taken over some of the things my dad used to do. If I get locked out of my car, he has to come help (except for the one time my husband was in class and couldn't get out so my dad had to help), my husband drives most of the time so I don't have to worry about directions which is nice and now my husband is my guinea pig for meal making time but it still doesn't help because he isn't picky either. We actually are living with my parents right now so I still get to go to the store on Friday nights but my husband and daughter go with us whenever they can, it's nice to have them come along! I'm thankful my parents have been willing to let us stay with them while we save money and in this time of job transitions. 

We aren't very affectionate in our family but I know by the things my dad does for me and my family he loves and cares for us. We love him too! Even if we make fun of him sometimes and even if he tells a crazy story (I told him growing up he should just take all these stories and put them in his "book", he has a lot of stories that go in there!). He's been a great and loving dad and I'm so grateful to have him in my life and now to have him in the lives of my kids. He makes an amazing Gramps!

Thanks dad for all you've done and still do for me! I love you! Hope you have an amazing Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. You do have a great Dad and it's evident to all who know him that God and family mean the most! He's blessed to have you. :)
