Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Mom is the Best!

It's not good blogging if I come up with blog ideas after the day has already passed but here I am, I'm writing a Mother's Day post. Sorry mom but it's better late than never!

Part of the reason why I decided to stay home with my kids is because my mom did when we were younger. It was nice to have her home. I remember watching the Price is Right (which, ironically, is what I'm watching right now) then watching channel 7 news while I ate my hot dogs and baked beans for lunch. I remember my mom promising me barbies if I said what I needed to say in church programs. Again, I'm bad about remembering a lot of memories from when I was younger. Side note, it's a good thing my dad took videos of us growing up so I can at least look back and remember some things!

I told my mom everything growing up. She could always tells when I was lying so I could never really get anything past her. She would always give me the "mom look" if I did something wrong and that usually worked. I am hoping to perfect that look with my kids because I think it worked out pretty well on me and my brother.

Now that I'm an adult I feel like my mom and I are best friends. I know I can always count on her if I have questions about the kids, I can talk to her about pretty much anything and I know she is always going to be there for me. I love how she interacts with my kids and all that she does for them. She is a great Gammy and they are blessed to have her in their lives.

I know I don't need to write posts about my parents, I hope they know how much they mean to me and how much I love them but everyone needs to know just how great they are! Like I said, my parents are the best! I know, I know...every one's parents are the best and that's OK too but I am lucky that I have the parents I have. I feel like I have had the greatest life because my parents took the time with us and sacrificed their own happiness at times to make us happy. I hope I can be as great of a parent to my kids that they were and are to me. I've got great role models, that's for sure!

I love you Mom! Thanks for all you do and have done!