Friday, June 7, 2013

Counting Calories! It's not so bad...

I mentioned in my May Favorites blog that I was using the MyFitnessPal app and I really liked it. I am happy to say I've been using it for about three weeks now and I'm still liking it a lot. I've been doing well at staying under my calories for the day while still feeling full. I've always had trouble with watching my portions but this calorie app makes me do just that. I've been measuring my food, not eating after 7, and trying to stick to water, with the exception of coffee and a few other drinks (I'm trying to stay away from pop mostly).

I go to my doctor on Monday and should be cleared to get back into working out but in the mean time I'm glad I've been sticking with counting calories. Food is my weakness and if I can overcome that and add exercising back in I think I will do great! No matter what I'm proud I've stuck with counting calories, something else to cross off my goal list! I now feel like I can stick with eating well!

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