Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cleaning Routine

I mentioned in my managing time post that I had a daily cleaning schedule I like to use. I decided to show you how I plan to start getting the house clean and still do what I need to get done with the kids and my family.

As you can see I have cleaning bathrooms on their twice a week. I do a really good cleaning of it on Mondays and then a light cleaning later in the week. We all take showers and my kids take baths so I usually wipe the tub out before every bath but it needs a good cleaning a couple times a week. I like a clean bathroom! 

We are actually living with my parents so I'm cleaning their house but I figure since I am home and they both work all day it's the least I can do for them. They do take care of their own laundry and my dad and I switch on and off cooking but like I've said, I don't mind cleaning, I actually like it. My parents have five miniature dachshunds so I wash their dog blankets once a week, just to keep things smelling fresh. If you are looking for a template to use and don't need to wash animal blankets then wash your bedding instead! I do laundry every day...most days anyway...if I'm caught up then I will wash bedding. I'm able to wash the bedding a couple times a month. I wash the kids bedding and blankets with their clothes so they get washed a little more. I vacuum every day, dust and dishes. That's not on my list but it's something that gets done every day. 

I may add things some days...like the other day I cleaned the counter tops really well in the kitchen and on Fridays I usually clean out the pantry, fridge and freezer so it's ready after we go to the grocery store that night. As I said in my last post I try to get cleaning done in the morning or nap time. I like to have my evenings free and any other time with my kids and family. 

What cleaning do you do that I may not have added on here? And go ahead, use this as a template, add in what your family may or may not need. My cleaning usually stays this way but I am constantly thinking of new things I can clean or organize. Hope this helps!

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