Friday, August 2, 2013

High Five for Friday!

It's been a slow week but that's good! We have family in town next week so it will be a busy but fun week!

1. I finally gave in and tried an Americano from Starbucks. I added white mocha syrup to it and its actually pretty tasty. Strong but I like strong coffee. I need something to keep me awake during those early mornings with the baby!

2. I know this sounds crazy and probably makes me weird but I've mentioned on Facebook before about how I like making up the menu and grocery list each week...I had some down time and did that yesterday and I always have this sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. I like making lists too so it works out well for me! I love grocery shopping...I'm pretty cool!

3. I love Goodwill! I've found some pretty good clothes this week for me and the kids. You just never know what you're going to find when you go there but it's been a good week!

4. My son turned 3 months old and he is precious! He smiles all the time and is trying so hard to lift his head up when he's on his belly. He's getting there and he's growing up so fast!

5. We cleaned out the garage this week to get ready for a garage sale and I found my waffle iron. I am so excited to make waffles! Plus I found a way to make hashbrowns using the waffle iron on Pinterest. We will see if that really works but I can't wait to have brunch tomorrow!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Girl I do the same thing with my grocery list and menu planning! It saves time and money! I saw you on the link up :)
