Friday, August 9, 2013

High Five for Friday!

It's been a crazy week!!

1. I made a confession last week that I like to make lists and all that, well, now I've taken my weirdness to a whole new level. Whenever I go to the grocery store I try very hard to find my "favorite" cart. I know...I'm strange...but let me tell ya...this cart is the best! It goes straight, it doesn't wobble, doesn't make's perfect. So yes, this week I found my cart at the store!
2. I start my 3 day Shakeology cleanse tomorrow so I'm making some cookies for our family dinner tonight. I'm not saying I am going to go crazy eating these cookies but they are pretty yummy. Gooey Chocolate Butter Cookies...mmmm
3. My husband's family came in to town and we spent some time with them on Monday and we are getting together today as well. I love that my kids have a chance to get together with all their cousins. There are 9 of them and when they all get together it's crazy but still a lot of fun!
4. I have fallen in love with Americanos. I think I've mentioned them before but now I'm getting good at ordering what I want. Today I got a 4 shot grande americano with sugar free cinnamon dolce. Delicious!
5. My husband and I went to a Reds game with my parents Tuesday night. I actually really like going to games. I love the stadium hot dogs and the general atmosphere at games. One day we will try to take our kids to a game but for now it's fun to go without them. :-)
Have a great weekend!

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