Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Blog...My Life

I normally don't write on the weekend. I try to leave those days open for family but it is 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. This happens a lot on Saturdays...I'm not sure why. So here I sit, watching House Hunters International, writing. They say when inspiration hits you should write it down...well, I've had a very long week and would love to be asleep right now but that's not going to happen so I will write, because I'm inspired? Yes, sounds good.

I love blogging. I love sharing things about my life with friends and family (and complete strangers if they stumble upon this blog). I love writing as well. I know I'm not the greatest writer. I know I probably have a ton of run on sentences, my grammar isn't the best, and I know I use way too many exclamation points but I love writing. When I first started my weight loss blog a few years ago it wasn't working. There is only so much you can say on a daily basis. Sure I could share recipes or some new work outs I was doing but promising to write every day was too much. I started reading some blogs and found that everyone is different (obviously) and this is MY blog which means I can make the rules. Silly me, why didn't I think of that earlier? So I started over, deleted my weight loss blog and came up with this one, Beginning New Chapters. I thought it would be good to name my blog because I would be, starting new chapters, new phases in my life. I was having a second baby, I would be quitting my job and staying home with my children, my husband would be starting his nursing job with varying hours...basically I would be starting a lot of new chapters that I wanted to share.

I say all of this because I wasn't sure where I wanted this blog to go. I didn't want it to be all about beauty because everyone knows I am no expert when it comes to that. I didn't want it to be about fashion because expert here but I knew I could write about life experiences. I always tend to over share things in my life and this blog has helped and is helping me with that. I'm sure it's not the best to over share but I've always felt if I've gone through something or there is something that has helped me and I can share it with others and help them then I've accomplished my goal!

I titled this post my blog, my life...not because this blog is my life but I guess in a way it is. I share with you the things going on with my husband, my kids, my family...those in my life. I share with you the fun things that go on and the sad things that go on. I finally feel I know what I want this blog to be about. I mentioned in a post when I first started writing that I wanted to share stay at home mom experiences, a few recipes that my family loved, items I love...a little bit of everything! I will be sharing, in the weeks to come, more exciting news. Business ventures. Goals, personal and family. I will have my "favorites" posts, my "High Five for Friday" posts and of course general posts that will hopefully make you think, laugh or just plain enjoy. I don't want this to sound like I'm starting over because I've liked everything I've posted up to this point. You should see the drafts I've done or the deleted posts in my trash. I start writing and think oh no one will want to read about that but that's something I'm learning; I'm not writing this blog to get readers or followers or comments. I'm writing so I have something to look back on. Memories. Some people are creative and they can scrap book, take pictures but me, I like (want) to write. I love looking back at old posts and seeing where I was and where I am now. I haven't been writing very long but it's been a great experience and I can't wait to write more. Thank you to all those that do read my blog. I hope in some way it brightens your day!

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