Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bad Days, Good Days

As most stay at home moms know the title of my blog is very have some bad days and you have some good days. So far I'm happy to say I've had more good days than bad but yesterday was not a good day.

I've started working with my daughter on her numbers, letters, colors, etc. I've been trying to incorporate some Bible stories and playing more together because I would let her watch TV all morning before. I'm not against TV, I let her watch some after lunch before her nap and she loves Disney movies but I felt I wasn't interacting with her very much and I wanted more one on one time with her so I decided to teach her some things and play with her more. It seems as though she would rather play...makes sense, she is two and a half. She talks about school all the time and I have a feeling she won't want to be home schooled since she talks about wanting to ride the bus and go bye bye. No matter what we decide to do schooling wise I am enjoying this extra play time with her...even if she isn't in the mood every day to learn...

I am working on trying to get her to listen more. I know with this age kids can push the limits when it comes to listening but it is something I want and need to work on with her. Yesterday she didn't listen very well and my son seemed to be extra clingy so it was pretty crazy. She's also started talking back a little and when I hear it she immediately goes in time out. I've watched way too many Super Nanny shows. I think some of her ideas are good and can work but with all kids it's a matter of staying consistent. I have to admit I'm bad at that but I am working on it. It's just that sometimes the things my daughter does and says is pretty husband has a hard time not laughing, I know I do too. She will learn. She has good qualities though that I love! I don't want to talk bad about her or make her out seem like a bad's just kids and it's just parents needing to work together!

I love being a stay at home. I really do. As of right now I don't feel the need to want to work at all...I know some moms take on a part time job to get out for a bit but I haven't felt like that...yet. Ha! I love having this time with my kids. I love instilling things in their lives, even if I have a bad day, it still gets through to them.

So today we are taking a day off...we are going to play, have fun, be lazy...we can all use days like this. I don't want to take any time I have with my kids for granted and being upset or annoyed takes time's going to happen, I know that. I'm tired and wish I could get a few extra hours of sleep but it's time to be positive and look at the good in my life as opposed to the bad because bad days come and go but the memories we make last a lifetime!

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