Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Opportunity!

I normally don't write on the weekends but I'm too excited. I am now a Beach Body coach!

I'm excited and nervous about this but I know it's going to open up a lot of new possibilities and opportunities. I'm excited for the accountability that will come with the responsibility of being a coach. Not only will I need to work hard for myself but I won't want to let others down. I've always been good about starting something but I've never been good at following it through till the end. I've mentioned a number of times how I love Turbo Fire and I'm planning on continuing with that and not making any excuses! I'm also going to change some of my eating habits. Slowly but surely I will reach my goals!

I promise this blog isn't turning into a weight loss blog. I've done that and I got very tired of it. I will mention my Beach Body adventures from time to time and invite others to join me but I am first and foremost a mom. I find though that if I've worked out and I've rested I can make any day great. By taking care of myself I can in turn take care of the ones I love. I am becoming a coach to help others through a journey that may be similar to mine, I want to get my "after" picture! I have a great "before" picture...ha! I'm going to have a group of people surrounding me with encouragement and I will be right there to give it back! 

If you want to join me, contact me! We have a new challenges starting up all the time! 

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