Thursday, November 21, 2013


My life is in such a refreshing time right now!

I've been praying for awhile that God would bring some women into my life that would build me up spiritually and as I mentioned in a past post I have a few really good friends and since we never really talked about spiritual things I wasn't sure where we all stood. I'm so thankful for that night out where we talked about Bible studies. We started our new Bible study, Gideon, yesterday and I already love it! I can't wait to see what God will do in our friendships and then in our individual lives. 

My sister in law had invited me to another Bible study and it just ended a week ago but I had an amazing time going to that as will. We were the youngest ones in there but it was nice to be around women who are older in their Christianity and to get their perspective on things. I really learned a lot during that study.

I'm reading the book His Needs, Her Needs and so far I am loving it. My husband and I are not perfect. We argue, we say mean things to each other, we are selfish...but we fight for our marriage and I love that about us. We married each other because we loved each other and when you argue you sometimes forget where everything started. As I'm reading this book it's making me understand my husband better and it's making me realize who I am as a wife as well. I've tried for years to "change" who my husband is but you know what...there is no changing. Instead I am working on loving him no matter what. I don't want to make it sound like he is the worst and in spite of that I'm loving him, no, he is truly a great man, he's a great dad and provider but I notice that I tend to pick at so many little things and bring him down. I want to be more of an encourager and make him feel secure as my husband and as a dad. This book is helping so much and it's the first book since I read Love and Respect that really makes me think. I'm happy with where we are and I want to cherish these moments and times.

I always get nervous when life is going great because they say that means something bad may happen...whoever said that is just plain rude! I'm not going to let that bring me down and stop me from enjoying this time in life. I'm happy. God is blessing my family, He's blessing my marriage, He has brought people into my life to help my spiritually and I am in awe of what He is doing. 

I tend to write down goals for the that I'm doing Beachbody coaching they talk about goals a lot so not only do I write down my business goals but I put personal goals for the week as well. Prayer is a top goal of mine. I'm not the greatest at going to God in prayer but I am working on it...I know prayer brings great things and while I'm feeling blessed, I know God wants to do so much more. 

I feel refreshed...I feel God moving in my life and I am ready for more! I hope you will feel refreshed as well in life...join a Bible study or do your own, PRAY, write down the blessings in your life and thank God for them...whatever you need to do to feel refreshed and feel God's it, it's a great place to be. I could go on and on but for fear of rambling I will stop here. :-) 

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