Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why I Chose Beachbody

I posted a blog a few weeks ago announcing that I had become a Beachbody coach and how excited I was. I thought I would go a little deeper and share with you some of reasoning behind my decision.

My weight loss journey, for lack of a better term, started after I gave birth to my daughter. I was 175 pounds before I became pregnant with her and while I wasn't happy with that number I wasn't trying much to change it. I gained 42 pounds during that pregnancy and pretty much lost it all two weeks after I gave birth. That may sound crazy but it's true. I was down to about 180 before I knew it. Needless to say I was pretty happy about that but I still needed to drop about 40 pounds to really feel healthy. I found during the year after I had my daughter that I am emotional eater. It was a rough year so my weight fluctuated between 175-185. I wanted to be thinner when I got pregnant again but before I knew it was pregnant with my son. I was 185 but only gained about 30 pounds with him and that came off right after as well. Clearly I'm blessed to lose baby weight but my body looks as though I've carried two kids. :-) I promised myself after my son that I would lose the weight and be in great shape if and when we decide to get pregnant with our third child.

I had posted a few times about using Turbo Fire and working out. I did great for about 10 weeks and even lost 16 pounds by eating healthy and working out. I was down to 169...only 29 pounds from my goal. Now, you would think this would motivate me to keep moving, I mean I was almost in a size 12, down from a 16...exciting stuff for someone wanting to get in shape but instead of working harder, I stopped. I was content, at the time, with the weight loss. So I started eating poorly again and worked out maybe every other day or so. I hurt my back at one point and that stopped me for a week and from that moment on I never did much. All while this is going on my coach Miranda was there for me. She is an amazing encourager and made me feel like I could do it. She talked with me about being a coach, how I could make some extra money for my family and have the accountability of other coaches, the people I would be mentoring and the people in the challenge groups. I thought I couldn't be a coach until I had reached my goal but she told me I could become a coach at any point in my journey. I talked with my husband and we decided to try it out. 

I'm just beginning my journey and as my blog title says this is another new chapter for me and I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to reach my goals while being a coach. I am going to finish the full Turbo Fire program and move on to another one (T25 is next for me and then Insanity!) I'm going to eat healthy and replace a meal a day with Shakeology, I'm going to reach my goal weight, I'm going to live a healthy lifestyle! The opportunities with Beachbody are endless and now I feel like I have a strong community around me to help me meet my goals.

**Now don't forget to check out this November deal!**

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