Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flavored Water

Plain and simple: I need to drink more water. I've never been really good at drinking it. I will get on a kick and drink about four glasses for a couple of days and then fall off that for awhile. I always reach for pop or tea...I'm just bad about drinking water. I decided to try adding some Mio or Crystal Light but those have artificial sweeteners that aren't exactly good for you so I needed to find something I could add to make my water tasty. Enter fruit! I tried a "recipe" if you will of an orange, a lime and a lemon. It tasted good but since I wanted to get more than a few glasses out of a pitcher I would keep adding water to the pitcher and continue to use the same fruit. After awhile the limes made the water bitter so I got rid of that and made just orange and lemon. So yummy! But I think I found my favorite so far:
one orange, one lemon and five strawberries cut into quarters.
It tastes so refreshing and had the right amount of citrus taste! I keep the same fruit in the pitcher for a few days and just fill the pitcher with water as it gets low. Obviously, the longer the fruit is in the pitcher the stronger the flavor will get.
This is definitely going to help me drink more water. Give it a try!

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