Monday, May 13, 2013

Stay at Home Mom

I can officially say I am a stay at home mom. After my maternity through work is over I won't be returning. It's bittersweet actually. I was all set to lose my job in January but my boss at the time worked things out for me to stay until the baby came and even gave me maternity, after these 8 weeks are over, I won't have a job to return to. I worked there for 7 years and it was a great job...I definitely had the Lord's favor at that place. So here begins a new chapter...hence the name of my blog! Also, since I last wrote my husband passed his nursing boards exam and is on his way to finding a job! I'm so proud of him!

I've wanted to be a stay at home mom for as long as I can remember and it's finally happening but let me tell's not easy. I think anyone that's done it can attest to that. Taking care of just my daughter was, obviously, never bad but now throw a newborn into the mix and things are getting crazy! My son is great...he sleeps a lot which is helpful but he does most of his sleeping during the day so my husband and I are up every two hours with him at night...he does fall right back to sleep which is nice, my daughter used to stay up after she was fed and it took awhile to get her to fall back to sleep. I know I probably should work on getting my son to sleep less during the day but it's nice to be able to spend some time with my daughter so she doesn't get jealous. I'm working on the whole dividing up my time thing...I don't know how people do it!! The other night I put my daughter to bed and she was screaming crying for water or something and my son was screaming crying too...someone has to wait but it breaks my heart to hear it! I finally got it figured out but was pretty intense for a few minutes there.

My son will be two weeks old on Wednesday and so far I've not met any goals that I've set for myself. I didn't really expect to yet, I'm still trying to figure things out so it's safe to say my goals are on hold. I did work on setting up routines for the kids. His routine is every 2-3 hours, sleep, change diapers, bath every other day...nothing special for him but my daughter on the other hand has a whole new daily routine. Her TV time has been drastically reduced. She only gets to watch a movie or her shows for about an hour and a half...still may seem like a lot to some people, I don't know...she was watching TV or movies all day so I think it's pretty good she's down to that amount. Most of the day we watch "Mommy's shows" as she calls it (Price is Right, the news, HGTV...the usual stuff!) and she plays. After breakfast I try to get playing time in with her because my son usually sleeps so I'm able to get the time with her. Night time is more tough because he's more awake and she is starting to get antsy. We usually play outside or walk if it's nice or try to keep her entertained with her books and such inside. Then of course it's bath time and bed daughter could stay up all hours of the night and still wake up at 7:30...I don't know how she does it but I'm at least getting her to bed by 8:30 so she gets some good sleep in...she was going to bed about 9, 9:30 but I need to get things done and get some sleep in now before my son wakes up for his midnight feeding. All in all I'm pretty excited for these routines. I guess that's one goal I can cross off my list.

I'm down to my pre pregnancy weight already....but before anyone cheers that's not really anything to be excited about. I didn't gain as much with this baby as I did my first plus I am pretty sure I was mostly baby this time...that helps but I have a long way to go in the weight department. I'm going to the store tonight and getting some healthier options for breakfasts and lunches so I can get started on eating right...I can't exercise yet except for walking but I need to start doing something. I'm also going to try giving up pop and only drink water or milk...don't hold me to it, I mean I guess you can but again I'm not shouting it to the world this time when it comes to weight loss. I want to do it the right way and make lifestyle changes. I'm sure I will slip up but as I said before the good thing is is that this blog is more than weight loss so I don't feel obligated to share every fact. Just wish me luck as I'm sure all us new moms want nothing more than to have our bodies into shape.

I'm excited for the new journey I've started. It's been a little rough but it's only been two weeks so I can't get too down on myself plus I have loads of help which makes things better. I love my kids and it's going to be fun to see how things change in the next few weeks and's to achieving more goals!

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