Monday, April 15, 2013

Fear and Worry

It's no surprise that I would write a blog about these subjects, if you are a friend of mine on Facebook you've seen me mention these words a few times. I'm not sure why fear and worry are a constant struggle for me but they are. I wanted to write this because I feel things are looking up. I've found verses, sayings, worship songs, things that are helping get me out of the "fear and worry" funk. I wanted, in a way, to share something exciting.

I'm beginning to realize that I can't do this all on my own and that I can't live with fear and worry everyday. I have help from my husband and family and friends when it comes to every day things but when it comes to the thoughts in my own mind I need God to help me. I want to have fun and enjoy life, I want to be cautious but not too cautious. Whenever I feel as though my worries and fears are about to take over my mind I start the worship song "Miracle Maker" by Kim Walker-Smith and it makes me instantly feel better. The words are powerful and moving and even though I may not need a physical miracle I need an emotional and almost spiritual miracle in my life so the devil doesn't get footholds.
My favorite saying lately is "Let your faith be bigger than your fears." I have it as the background on my phone so I see it daily and I repeat it to myself as well. I want my faith to be HUGE! I want it to overcome all the fears and worries that I have. I've never been good at letting go of things and letting God handle my whole life but I feel that with worship songs and this saying they help; they remind me that my faith in God has to be bigger than my fears, that my GOD can and will deliver me through anything.

A few verses that have helped too are:
Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go." God doesn't want us to live in fear. He wants us to realize that we can be strong and courageous and understand that no matter where we go, He is there.
The other verse is short and simple but always speaks to me:
Exodus 14:14, "The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still." The reason this speaks to me is because of the fact that I don't like to let others handle things for me, I try to deal with them on my own but this verse is telling me that I don't need to do that, that the Lord will fight for me and I need to be still and let Him handle what I go through. God has everything under control and this world can get crazy and it will get worse and worse but why worry? Why fear? I don't need to live that way because I have a God that hears me, that is there for me and will never let me down. I may go through hard things and I have gone through some hard things but I've come out of them stronger and I know God will carry me through anything I will go through in life. I have a HOPE that God will fight for me! It's pretty exciting if you think about it.

Even though I'm not perfect in this thinking and I still find myself worrying and sometimes living in fear I will remind myself of these verses, I will memorize them, I will write them down in places I can see daily because I will not let these emotions take over my life!

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