Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Love with Actions

This past Thursday we lost some family friends to a terrible house fire. The mother went to rescue her two boys, 4 and 2, and didn't make it out. Her father passed away as well. Her husband and two daughters made it out alive and just recently her husband gave an interview to the news. One thing he said really stands out to me. He said his wife would tell him everyday that she loved him more than life and he also said to tell your kids every day how much you love them. I'm sure they are like most couples and parents, they have arguments, they get mad at their kids but they still told each other and their kids they loved them each day.

I've always heard the phrase, tell the ones you love that you love them because tomorrow is never promised. I find this phrase hard to follow. I love my kids, don't get me wrong, I'm blessed to have them in my life but there are days they try my patience and I find myself getting mad and punishing them. Then this phrase comes to mind and I feel like a bad mother. I've had to learn that I can't live in constant fear that something will happen to me or my family. That's why it's such a tragedy when someone your close to passes away. I want to tell my kids I love them and my husband too but I think actions need to be done as well. When I punish my daughter because she's done something wrong, it's helping her learn the right way to act. I would be doing her a disservice if I didn't bring her up in a way that shows her how to act, how to be polite and use manners...she needs to learn these things and that's what we as parents are to do. Now, I won't lie to you and say I'm a perfect parent because I am far from that. I have days where I feel so defeated. I still get sad when my daughter goes to my husband more or wants him more than me. She will be three, you would think I would be ok with the fact that she's a daddy's girl but there are some days I wish she would ask for me. Price of a stay at home mom I guess? 

I need to work on my actions more with my kids. I can get so caught up in my every day tasks that I forget all they want is for me to sit on the floor and play with them. I need to work on not getting too angry when my daughter does something wrong. I tend to lose my patience quickly and I don't want that. I feel sometimes my daughter gets bothered by the way I act with her brother. He is 7 months and needs more help than she does but she doesn't quite get that...I need to make sure I'm treating them equally. Having two kids is tough but each day I learn something new and I learn from the challenges I go through.

So yes, today, tell your kids you love them, tell your significant other you love them but don't forget to show them as well. Do something just for them that makes them feel special...because just like this family is finding out, you never know when that person will be gone. 

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